SKB Styroterm System

A system of external roller shutters characterized by the lowest value of heat transfer coefficient. This determines the reduction of costs of heating and cooling the house by about 30% per year.

The main assumption of using this system is to improve the energy balance of the building. The system is mounted on the window frame using a properly selected adaptive profile (the system is compatible with 90% of profiles available on the window joinery market).

SKB Styroterm roller shutters are designed to be completely built in the insulation, which guarantees uniformity of the building facade.

  • the possibility of installing the screen at any time,
  • Non-invasive installation of the inspection cover while maintaining the appropriate stiffness of the element,
  • the construction of the box allows using the facade shutter mechanism,
  • availability of the guides for partial built-in,
  • inspection from the outside or inside of the room,
  • heat transfer coefficient =0,29W/m2K confirmed by IFT ROSENHEIM,
  • the box made of high-quality materials with very good thermal properties,
  • components of the largest aluminium distributor – Aluprof

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Agnieszka Syty

kierownik działu sprzedaży detalicznej

+48 500 450 034